Jumat, 30 Agustus 2019


Soraix is determined to radically transform traditional stock exchanges

About Soraix
Soraix is determined to radically transform traditional stock exchanges by tokenizing the exchange of assets via blockchain technology. In doing so, we aim to shift public perception of digital assets in a positive direction, resulting in wider adaptation and stability in the industry. Soraix will provide significant benefits to both traditional investors (retail traders, general public) and business of all sizes.  Traditional users will benefit from our first-of-its-kind revenue sharing model, enabling them to trade their SRX Tokens against Equity Tokens of higher valuations (and if they wish to, immediately sell the aquired Equity Tokens for fiat currencies, securing all gains on the trade). Corporate clients, will have the ability to raise funds, by issuing Equity Tokens on our platform. For more on these, and other innovative solutions we intend to deliver, please refer to our White Paper.
The fatures
  • For Traders
Retail traders will be offered a wide array of both simple and complex trading tools and features, including an unprecedented revenue sharing model.
  • For Investors
Soraix will enable investors to acquire digital shares of companies in the form of equity tokens and trade them for
Technical Info
  • SRX Tokens
SRX tokens can be used to purchase Equity tokens at a 1:1 value – allowing traders to trade a token of plausibly lower value for one of a higher value.
  • Equity Tokens
Equity Tokens may be seen as a digital version of the shares of issuer companies in which each equity token is incorporated into one share of the issuing company.
  • Early Investor Bonus
Early Investor Bonus – By purchasing the SRX Token during the first two weeks of our ICO, we will match your purchase with an additional 10% worth of SRX Tokens at no additional cost to you. The bonus will amount to 5%, for investors who purchase our tokens during Weeks 3 & 4.
Our Mission
Our mission is to radically transform traditional stock exchanges by tokenizing the exchange of assets via blockchain technology. In doing so, we are determined to shift public perception of digital assets in a positive direction, resulting in wider adaptation and stability in the industry
Trading shares with the Blockchain
ETO dedicated blockchain will be a new way to trade shares with unparalleled security, performance and cost eectiveness to our investors
Experienced Team
We have a strong team led by Lucas Komarnicki who combines traditional finance with the world of cryptocurrencies

Q1, 2019 – Market analysis. Initial concept.
Q2, 2019 – Company formation. Core-team assembly.
Q3, 2019 – ICO Deployment.
Q4, 2019 – Launch of MVP version of Soraix platform.
Q1, 2020 – Public API deployment.
Q2, 2020 – Social trading & mobile app launch.
Q3, 2020 – Dedicated ETO blockchain implementation.
Price – 0.00025 ETH
Total Supply – 1 000 000 000
Public Sale Pool – 60% (600 000 000 SRX)
Soft Cap – $4 500 000 USD
Hard Cap – $24 000 000 USD
Token Allocation
60% – Token Sale
5% – Bounty & Airdrop
5% – Advisors
10% – Reserve
20% – Team
Tech Team
Janusz Żółtański
Andrzej Budzanowski
Grzegorz Łyskawa
Przemysław Michalak
Przemyslaw Hejduk
Krystian Adamczak
Hieu Nguyen
Lucas Komarnicki – CEO
Przemek Plazinski – CFO
Patrick Kubicki – CTO
Advisors & Legal
Justin Fulcher
Angeline Mbogo
Damian Maslej
George Nyoro
Wojtek Stefanczyk
Michael Pluta
Gabriel Kaimakliotis
Bartosz Robaszewski
Author : fu2013
ETH: 0x7Ea8aEB2b5eF7971814063aB547AD3f622746110


XCARD is the most perfect wallet for crypto conversions

XCARD is the safest wallet and crypto & FIAT payment card (biometric crypto credit card which is really annoying) that allows 50 million crypto users to spend their crypto and FIAT assets instantly worldwide. XCARD makes your experience with crypto as easy as FIAT money whether it's your first time, or if you are an advanced user. Together with VISA (Apple Pay and Google Pay wallet enabled) XCARD introduces Multi-Currency Crypto Biometric Credit Cards. XCARD is the only provider of biometric credit cards in the crypto industry worldwide. This card is available in virtual, physical and biometric forms.


XCARD introduces a utility token, an MBM token that drives the entire Platform which is the most liquid token in the XCARD Wallet. After regulation allows the issuance of legal equity or security tokens, special benefits for investors and MBM token holders will be offered

XCARD has signed 9 strategic partnerships which include: Bank Santander, Visa (Main Membership), Gatelab (Part of the London Stock Exchange Group), several trade exchanges (eg Hybrid Blocks) and others who wish to use their business model solutions provided by XCARD .

XCARD is the most convenient wallet for crypto & FIAT conversions with access to exchanges worldwide. Internal internalization - the arbitration engine - provides the best exchange rate for users available on the market. XCARD Wallet is combined with the Biometric XCARD Credit Card, the safest credit card for instant crypto withdrawals from any ATM.

The XCARD team has a proven track record of more than 20 years in the payment system, payment card, exchange and currency trading system.

XCARD is the only provider of complex instant payment solutions that has:
conversion of any to any currency with a strong focus on customer experience
Multi-asset wallet equipped with multi-currency payment car
XCARD is the only Crypto Wallet & Biometric Credit Card solution in Pasara
Road Map
Q4 2018
MVP XCARD Wallet (Android & iOS) available for first 5K users
Q4 2018
Series B: Private funding, expected target of $ 30 million
Q4 2018
Integration with selected partners: VISA, Santander Bank, GateLab, Exchanges, PSP
Q1 2019
Beta version of XCard Wallet

For more information, visit the link below:
Join / follow XCARD on all official channels:
Telegram Chat: https://t.me/mobilumcom

Author: fu2013
Addreas wallet: 0x7Ea8aEB2b5eF7971814063aB547AD3f622746110


Screenshot_20190509-150258 ~ 2.png

Блокчейн – это новейшая технология, которая может внести изменения в маркетинг недвижимости. Эта новейшая технология также может изменить метод и способ совершения транзакций. Эта технология использовалась и тестировалась в нескольких важных областях человеческой жизни и была описана как самая передовая технология. Эта технология рассматривалась как отношения между участниками и людьми в мире для каждой транзакции, которая была успешной в мире технологии криптографической цепочки блоков, которую необходимо задействовать. Поклонники в мире видели влияние этой технологии, и именно поэтому они призвали к внедрению этой технологии во всем мире.
О C Estates
C Estates объединяет людей по всему миру, чтобы легко совершать сделки и чувствовать себя комфортно при покупке и продаже недвижимости. Независимо от подтверждения документов, подтверждения нотариального заверения, подтверждения владения активами, покупки или продажи имущества или поиска кого-то, кто будет управлять имуществом, C Estates имеет все необходимое для ведения бизнеса в одном месте.
Наша миссия
Сделать сделки с недвижимостью легкими и доступными для всех.
Наш дисплей
C Estates является мировым отраслевым стандартом для сделок с недвижимостью.
Некоторые отрасли человеческой жизни извлекли выгоду из этой великой технологии, и сегодня их интерес будет подчеркнут в этой статье. CESTATES – это новый проект, в котором используется технология блокчейна для упрощения операций с недвижимостью.

С внедрением технологии блокчейн, как продавцы, так и покупатели могут устранить и прояснить все свои сомнения и продолжить проводить успешные транзакции внутри себя без участия и охраны. Внедрение технологии Blockchain в проекте CESTATES поможет ускорить транзакции, а также снизит высокие транзакционные издержки, как это было раньше. Принятие технологии блокчейна означает использование интеллектуальных контрактов на платформах для повышения безопасности, неустойчивости, а также повышения уровня прозрачности платформы. С внедрением технологии блокчейна будут регистрироваться все транзакции, выполненные на платформе CESTATES в сети блокчейнов, где участники могут получить к ней доступ, когда захотят повысить уровень прозрачности проекта.
  • Технология Blockchain помогла разработать новый метод децентрализованных активов с различными вариантами оплаты. Эта технология позволяет использовать разные криптографические валюты для инвестирования в НЕДВИЖИМОСТЬ.
  • Технология Blockchain позволила объединять людей со всего мира, чтобы легко совершать сделки, а также покупать и продавать недвижимость. Компания CESTATES обязана сделать все необходимое для того, чтобы транзакции и транзакции между покупателями и продавцами осуществлялись на платформе гладко.
  • CAPITARISE CORPORATION, которая является основой CESTATES, является высокоэффективной, быстрой и профессиональной компанией по управлению недвижимостью, которая помогает людям приобретать недвижимость по всему миру.
  • Платформа CESTATES имеет опыт в областях покупки, продажи, лизинга, учета, банковского обслуживания земли, таймшеров и коллективного финансирования. CESTATES запустили свой проект в сети блокчейнов NEM, которая также является одной из лучших сетей блокчейнов в истории технологии блокчейнов. Платформа CESTATES разработана с использованием многоуровневых алгоритмов безопасности, что сделает ее самой безопасной платформой для недвижимости среди других.
В экосистему CESTATES входят брокеры, разработчики, банки и правительства, банки и продавцы, инвесторы капитала и управляющие активами.
CESTATES запустили свой собственный токен, известный как xCET, который будет использоваться в качестве комиссии за транзакции, списки и комиссии за снятие средств с платформы.
  • КУПИТЬ – Выбрать одну из разных и разных вещей.
  • АРЕНДА – Обратите внимание на свои документы, пока вы не получите свой аккаунт.
  • СПИСОК – Показать свой аккаунт.
  • НЕ ОСТАНАВЛИВАЙТЕСЬ – Горбун, когда вы находитесь в их состоянии
  • Одна вещь, которая отличается и важна.
  • ПОДЕЛИТЬСЯ ГОСУДАРСТВОМ – Инвентаризация, где одни отношения, понимание их выбора.
  • Краудфандинг – одна из разных вещей. Наши дизайнеры могут иметь вторую часть.

Код информации

Считайте при подсчете, кодировании, подсчете, важном, подсчете, подсчете, подсчете, наблюдении и звука и звука, голоса и звука.
Безопасность, данные, текст, финансы, текст, текст, финансы, эффективность, часть и часть еды. I Van, финансы, финансы и финансы, финансы, финансы и человеческие финансы
Дорожная карта
Этап 1
На первом этапе проекта C Estates платформа сосредоточится на списке свойств от брокера, чтобы в платформе было большое количество начальных токенов DPA.
  • Разработать технологию
  • У брокера по недвижимости
  • Менеджер по недвижимости на борту
Этап 2
На втором этапе проекта будут добавлены свойства, определенные отдельными владельцами.
  • Обновите платформу
  • На вторичном рынке
Этап 3
На третьем этапе появится токен, защищенный ипотекой. Это инвестиция с фиксированным доходом, которая будет сдана в аренду лицам, которые ищут средства для покупки своего дома.
  • Обновите платформу
  • На вторичном рынке
Этап 4
Расширение рынка криптовалюты Запустите ReitX для Asset C Estates (Exchange REIT).
Для получения дополнительной информации о проекте CESTATES перейдите по ссылке ниже
Веб-сайт =>  https://cestates.io
Telegram =>  https://t.me/cestates_io
Средний =>  https://www.medium.com/@cestates
Имя пользователя: fu2013
Ссылка: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2597568

iCoin is supported by original diamond mining.

Mining genuine diamonds and using profits to grow the crypto currency market is the best guarantee that tokens will maintain their value and grow significantly in due course. Millemium Mining was the first company to run an initial exchange offer by creating an international iCoin token and using the capital obtained to fund its operations and invest in real diamond and mineral mining in Africa. Every diamond that is mined will be sold on the open market and profits will be injected back into the iCoin International crypto market. This will bring in profits from 200% in year 1 to 1000% in year 3 and thereafter. Aman said that iCoin was supported by original diamond mining.

an investor receives shares in a company in return for their investment. In the case of ICO, there are no shares to discuss. Instead, raising funds through ICO provides a blockchain that is equivalent to shares: cryptocurrency tokens. Millemium Mining Corp has created the International iCoin (ICOIN) token to fund its operations. The profits from the mined diamonds will be injected back into the ICOIN market, this will result in ICOIN demand and value growth of more than 1000%.



Diamonds in Sierra Leone There are opportunities in Freetown, Sierra Leone to open and operate an innovative and successful mining company that has found a good and proven catchment area for diamonds. At present, the mining business in SierraLeone includes around 2,500 small operations. Unlike oil, iron ore and even gold, diamonds are very easy to transport so that if regulations are too heavy and taxes are too high, miners and exporters will turn to smuggling.

In 2018, Sierra Leone officially exported more than $ 150 million of diamonds, government records show. That's important growth in the past 20 years, before

strict new rules known as

The Kimberly process requires a diamond to be certified by the authorities. Before that, most of the country's diamonds were smuggled into Liberia and Guinea and sold for weapons.

The advantage

Diamonds will always have intrinsic value that is universally recognized, as a safe haven asset that has stood the test of time. You can buy iCoin International tokens as a hedge against the unstable crypto market.

We sell iCoin for $ 3.5 million to start operations and mine 45 carats per day, 300 days per year. Diamond results are used to grow the value of iCoin as presented in the White Paper.

ICoin tokens can be easily transferred to all of our partners, exchanges, or platforms on Ethereum. Tokens can also be easily stored and transferred between wallets that are compatible with

Our third party gauges and auditors ensure that the mining process is fully transparent both in real time and in the future. The results of our protocol timestamp feature a secure cryptographic system.

ICoin holders will have full visibility of digital ownership, transactions, inventory records and mining results in an invasive way that offers security that is not provided by traditional diamond mining.

What are Initail Exchange Offers (IEO)

IEO is a new form of crypto financing that is increasingly popular lately. What this practice does is introduce crypto exchanges into project fundraising efforts in a more direct, centralized, and direct way. Exchanges are basically partners in the entire process of launching tokens, allowing the crypto project to raise funds directly on the exchange platform. Go to LAToken.com to participate in ICOIN IEO.

Another part of our priority is adding protection for children when using the internet. We encourage parents and guardians to observe, participate in, and / or monitor and guide their online activities. ICoin International does not knowingly collect any Personal Identification Information from children under 13 years of age. If you think that your child provides this kind of information on our website, we strongly encourage you to contact us immediately and we will try our best to immediately delete that information from our records.

This web site has marketing objectives and is not intended to be legally binding. Nothing on this website is deemed to be a prospectus of any kind or request for investment, or in any way related to the offer or request for offer to buy any securities in any jurisdiction. The information on this website does not constitute a recommendation by anyone to purchase IXN tokens or tokens or other currencies and the Issuer (Millennium Mining Corp) has not authorized anyone to make such recommendations.

For more information about this project, please visit the link below:


AUTHOR: fu2013
BITCOINTALK: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2597568
ETH : 0x7Ea8aEB2b5eF7971814063aB547AD3f622746110

Selasa, 27 Agustus 2019


Картинки по запросу CurioInvest

Es besteht kein Zweifel mehr daran, dass Blockchain die fortschrittlichsten Technologien im Bereich der Informationstechnologie ist, die helfen, Daten (Blöcke)chronologisch zu verbinden, um unveränderliche und rückverfolgbare Aufzeichnungen von Transaktionen durch den Prozess der Sicherung eines gemeinsamen Ledgers in einem Netzwerk auf mehreren Knoten bilden zu können. Blockchain-Technologie besitzt einen fokuswert, der in der Einrichtung eines sicheren und unveränderlichen verteilten ledger-Systems liegt.
CurioInvest ist eine Plattform, mit der Sie in seltene Autos investieren können. CurioInvest sammelt individuelle Anfragen über eine liechtensteinische tokenisierungsstruktur, die Token ausgibt, die direkt mit dem zugrunde liegenden target billable car verbunden sind.

Über CurioInvest
Sammelbare Autos als Anlageklasse haben in den vergangenen 15 Jahren viele traditionelle Indizes wie den S&P 500 und Dow Jones deutlich übertroffen. Allerdings ist diese Investitionsmöglichkeit nur für eine kleine Gruppe von elite-Investoren wegen der folgenden Hindernisse für den Markteintritt verfügbar: wirklich seltene Autos werden über ein enges elite-Netzwerk verkauft, solche Fahrzeuge Kosten oft Hunderttausende von Dollar, was bedeutet, dass Mindestwetten eine Fähigkeit sind, die sehr hoch ist erforderlich, um Fahrzeug-Fachwissen zu speichern und zu pflegen ist erforderlich, um die Herkunft der Fahrzeugkäufe, Versicherungen und Fahrzeugverkäufe mit viel Verwaltung und Papierkram zu überprüfen.
In Kombination haben diese Faktoren diese Klasse von Vermögenswerten noch EXKLUSIVER gemacht als hedge-Fonds, Risikokapital oder private-equity-Fonds.
CurioInvest ‘ s mission ist es, jedem zu ermöglichen, in seltene Fahrzeuge zu investieren, die abgerechnet werden können. Mit Sitz in der Schweiz und Lichtenstein startete CurioInvest eine online-Plattform, die von blockchain-Technologie unterstützt wird, die es Investoren ermöglicht, Sicherheitstoken zu kaufen, die direkt von limited edition collection cars unterstützt werden. Mit diesem token können Anleger Gewinne teilen, wenn der Wert des zugrunde liegenden Fahrzeugs zunimmt.
Auf diese Weise beseitigt CurioInvest Hemmnisse für den Eintritt in den abrechnbaren Automarkt. Da Teileigentum in Fahrzeuge können online erworben werden für nur $ 500, die ein minimum an Investitionen benötigt, um in den Markt eintreten, wird dadurch drastisch reduziert, so dass Investoren zu diversifizieren durch den Kauf von Aktien in viele Fahrzeuge.
Darüber hinaus wird die CurioInvest – Plattform den Anlageprozess erheblich vereinfachen-Anleger können Token online registrieren und kaufen, während CurioInvest Invest Fahrzeugkäufe, Wartung, Versicherungen und Verkäufe sowie alle damit verbundenen Administrationen und Dokumente verwaltet.
Das CurioInvest-team hat sich im Handel mit profitablen Anlageklasse-Autos bei der Mercuria Helvetica AG bewährt und hat Zugang zu pipelines von mehr als 500 seltenen Fahrzeugen, die gesammelt werden können. Darüber hinaus hat CurioInvest mit der Mechatronik GmbH eine Partnerschaft zur Lagerung und Wartung von Fahrzeugen geschlossen.
Die CurioInvest Invest Plattform wird beispiellose Transparenz, Sicherheit und Liquidität in einen Markt bringen, der bisher nur der elite zugänglich war. Schließlich zielt CurioInvest darauf ab, die Nasdaq eines sammlungsfahrzeugs zu werden, ein tauschplatz, an dem automobilsicherheitsmarken in Naher Zukunft gehandelt werden können.
Wie es funktioniert
CurioInvest sammelt individuelle Anfragen über eine liechtensteinische tokenisierungsstruktur, die Token ausgibt, die direkt mit dem zugrunde liegenden target billable car verbunden sind.
Schritt 1 – Werden Sie ein Verifizierter Benutzer
Registrieren Sie sich mit Ihrer E-Mail-Adresse
füllen Sie das Anmeldeformular aus
überprüfen Sie Ihre Identität
Schritt 2 – Investieren
Investieren Sie mit anderen in Autos, die durch crowdfunding gesammelt werden können.
Erhalten Sie Zertifikate, die Ihre Investition in das Auto bestätigen.
Nachdem genügend Geld gesammelt war, kaufte Curio ein Auto.
Darüber hinaus Werden Automarken generiert und an Investoren verteilt, die Zertifikate ersetzen.
Investieren in traditionelle Institutionen ist schwierig und kann mehrere Wochen dauern. CurioInvest hat den Prozess digitalisiert, damit Sie in wenigen Minuten unter Einhaltung der Regeln investieren können.
Картинки по запросу CurioInvest
Schritt 3-Überwachen und diversifizieren
Tausche deine Token peer to peer.
Verfolgen Sie die Leistung Ihres Fahrzeugs.
Kaufen Sie neue Token, um Ihre garage zu bauen und Ihre Investition zu diversifizieren.
Wir machen die ganze harte Arbeit
Investieren in ein gutes Auto ist ein Kopfschmerz. Nicht mehr. Ein team von forschungsexperten und knappen Ressourcen, Autos, die auf investitionsebene gesammelt werden können. Wir wählen nur Autos mit wettbewerbsfähigen Preisen, die das Potenzial haben, Wert im Laufe der Zeit zu erhöhen. Alle wichtigen Informationen zu Fahrzeugen finden Sie auf der CurioInvest-Plattform (inklusive fahrzeugbesitzhistorie, aktuelle Marktpreise für vergleichbare Fahrzeuge und relevante Medien wie videos und Fotos).
ardenschwere elite-Branche – jetzt für jedermann zugänglich.
Jetzt müssen Sie nicht superreich sein, um in ein Superauto zu investieren. Für nur $ 100 können Sie mit CurioInvest beginnen. Fahrzeuge haben in den letzten Jahren andere alternative Anlageklassen deutlich übertroffen, wie unten dargestellt:

Eth : 0x7Ea8aEB2b5eF7971814063aB547AD3f622746110

Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2019

Elad: Equity Ledger The real estate Market

About Elad Network

Elad (Equity Ledger Assets Decentralized) is a decentralized blockchain that will transform investment strategies and the real estate market as we know it. Using blockchain technology, smart contracts, and innovation, the equity ladder of the platform will create crypto and real estate portfolio to combine the liquidity of the world’s biggest asset class with the velocity of the newest. A variety of real estate transactions will be traded through the online platform, from traditional buying and selling to crowdfunding multi-million dollar investments. Elad will bring together P-2-P exchange and investment in one place, opening doors, cutting costs and lowering barriers for all.

The Elad platform will use EQ coins to establish market caps on individual properties, calculate investor percentage ownership and payments. Elad tokens will be inherently backed by tangible assets, establishing the company as a secure cryptocurrency for storage of value and a medium of exchange. This creates many problems for cross-border applicants, landlords, tenants, investors, and
buyers. Most investments are transacted through large, multinational companies, thus restricting access to the average person or investor.

How does it work

Elad tokens can be used to participate in the exchange of real estate, or capital and returns earned
on property. Simply apply your tokens to your real estate of choice and receive profits from one of the top cryptocurrencies. The platform will offer a wide range of opportunities, which will include investments for fractional ownership, crowdfunding, p2p sales, and lettings, buy to sell projects, new builds, real estate advertising, and token-controlled rents for multi lets. Elad will pave the way for the real estate industry to adopt the cryptocurrency class, as well as enable individuals to self-generate wealth in previously inaccessible markets and take control of their assets.


Buying property can be time-consuming, costly and hard work. Profit can be lost due to information asymmetry between investors and agents, on top of expensive fees and limited availability. Selling is also affected by in house agendas, malpractice, scaremongering and out of contract monetary incentives for agents, which causes property to be sold under value or prevented from entering the market and achieving its maximum potential. Some agents discriminate against prospective tenants due to unreasonable and unfair criteria like married status, whilst others charge simply for access to landlords.


Multi-ownership for real estate will provide easy access to property investment, including long distance, overseas and crowdfunding opportunities. Sellers will be able to sell properties for a small fixed fee from 0.25% through the secure online platform. The Elad platform will provide relevant information and tailored search for real estate agents to save valuable time for both parties. The global nature of the platform will allow for easier overseas rental. Automated payments by smart contract and P2P contact to will eliminate third parties.


The Elad online platform will use a two-type authentication to protect investors, and the Elad app may require multi-signature for investment access. The website will run on a monitored cloud instance with automatic data replication across geographical territories (data protection allowing) along with virtual layers to protect our hardware and keep threats and costs down.

ELAD Tokens

The ELAD token complies with the ERC20 standard and will be deployed on the Ethereum network, it can be used as storage of value or a medium of exchange like bitcoin and many other altcoins.

ELAD tokens can be bought with both fiat or cryptocurrencies and can be traded and stored through exchanges like other altcoins.

ELAD tokens will be converted to EQ coins on the ELAD platform for investors to participate in fractional ownership and crowdfunding of real estate. (please see full paper for more details).
ELAD tokens will be inherently backed by tangible assets, establishing ELAD as a secure cryptocurrency for storage of value and a medium of exchange.

We believe the relationship between market appreciation and compound interest will allow ELAD tokens to gain intrinsic value and give support to the new asset class by decentralizing the real estate marketplace.


Main Sale

Main Sale Token Bonus Value

ELAD Tokens Private Sale Price - 1 ELAD = $0.1 (Starts this Monday, June 3rd, 2019)
ELAD Tokens Main Sale Price - 1 ELAD = $0.25

Token Distribution

100,000,000 Elad Tokens will be minted on a fixed supply, the reserve may be stored or burnt after Token sale which may alter the available supply.

A maximum of 15% of the total supply will be used as a long-term incentive, to ensure alignment of the founder’s interests with investors, engage partners into the platform community and grow app loyalty.

10% of Elad tokens may be held in a reserve to provide immediate liquidity if the tokens have high demand once listed on an exchange. Any unused tokens may be burned after 12 months or kept for future growth.

Elad tokens can be bought with both fiat or cryptocurrencies and can be traded and stored through exchanges like other altcoins.

ELAD Tokens
  • Crowd Sale 75,000,000
  • Reserve 10,000,000
  • Founders 10,000,000
  • Partners 5,000,000
  • Total (Hard Cap) 100,000,000
Token Sale 

15% of all Elad tokens will be available during the pre-sale at a 50% discount.
Registered users will be able to get early access to participate in the pre-sale.
A Smart contract will distribute tokens instantly during sale/ presale after the transfer of accepted currency.

The final number of Elad tokens will depend on the number of tokens distributed during the pre-sale.


The company has a strong interest in high yielding underpriced real estate and by selling property on the blockchain, we will cut out expensive fees through our P2P network. Over time we plan to introduce and build a further structure to execute the Elad business plan.


  • The structure of our development is based on the demand and size of the buy/sell market concerning real estate.
  • By disrupting this market in our early stages of growth, it will help create investable P2P crowdfunding without Elad TECH LTD, partners, umbrella companies or real estate developers.
  • Phase one and two combined create supply, demand, and adoption, giving support to phase three which is a springboard to phase four which opens global access.
  • The company sees the future of Elad network being a true P2P network, assisted by A.I that runs at a low cost creating a decentralized service for the world.

More Information

ETH : 0x7Ea8aEB2b5eF7971814063aB547AD3f622746110